18 March 2011

Ghostpoet - Carry Me Home

First heard this song, the morning after he night before of one of my friends 21st birthday parties (couldn't have scripted the timing any better could you..) heard it on the radio after i had come out of the shower when i couldn't even muster up enough energy to get dressed because it was all being used fighting off the MOTHER of all hangovers. Went onto Youtube (other video watching places are available...) and must have listened to it about 20 times in a row after that. The lyrics speak about how, alcohol has taken hold of him and its something us young (enter the word binge here if you want) drinkers never really think about when it comes to alcohol. Heres a young man telling us how he's become some what dependant on alcohol and how it's affecting his life. 
How many of us have had to: miss lectures/call in sick/spend a whole day in bed/be sent home from work because we were hung over? You could have the hang over to end all hang overs but still continue to drink on  regular basis. Is it because we are subconsciously dependant on alcohol? We think we need it to have a good time? We have to be more careful when we play the alcohol game because the frank reality is you don't have to be a stereotypical "Jakey" to be dependant on alcohol...

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